Key Verse: “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker” (Psalm 95:6).
Bible Exploration: Isaiah 6:1-8
To think about and discuss:
- How did Isaiah respond to what he saw and heard? Why do you think he said what he said? Isaiah was awestruck; he immediately knew that he was insignificant and unworthy; he instantly recognized God’s glory and worth; he thought he was ruined—he must have thought that to see God would kill him.
- What did a seraph do to Isaiah, and why was that necessary? The seraph touched Isaiah’s mouth with a hot coal to cleanse his sin; fire purifies; the coal represented God’s wrath; the coal symbolized purification; we have to be holy to be present before a holy God.
- How can we balance our need to revere God’s holiness with our desire to see God as a close friend? We need to remember that while God loves us, he’s still God; we need to have God’s holiness in our own lives as well.
- If we really recognized God’s holiness, what difference would it make in how we view our sins? in how we respond to God? in how we respond to other people? in our church services? in our worship time? We would better understand how our sins grieve God, and we would seek his love and forgiveness even more; we would take God’s presence in our lives and our church more seriously.
Family Challenge:
- Gather together and talk about what life would be likeif everyone was perfect and never sinned. (You mighttalk about serious things, such as how people wouldn’t hurt other people and all family members would always get along. Or you might talk about funny things, such as nobody would ever yell at the family dog.) Then think about God—how he is perfect and has never sinned. Explore how God feels when we sin and why God wants usto remember his sinlessness and glory and why we should humble ourselves before him.