Key verse: “Peter and the other apostles replied: ‘We must obey God rather than men!’ ”
(Acts 5:29).
Bible Exploration: Genesis 6:5-22
Obedience is no easier for adults than it is for children. But adults can better understand God’s call to obedience and how the answer to that call reflects the depth of our relationship to God.
We don’t know how often Noah was discouraged. We don’t know if his neighbors ridiculed him, but we assume they must have. We don’t know if Noah’s family thought he had lost his mind. But we do know that “he did everything just as God commanded him.” And that’s a great example of faithful obedience for all of us.
To think about and discuss:
1. How does popular culture affect your sense of right and wrong?
2. How is it possible to know what God wants when society and the media tell us that all truth is relative?
3. Give examples of what obeying God might look like in the faceof an “anything goes” society? What obstacles might you have to overcome?
Family Worship Challenge:
- Play a game of Simon Says with your children. Allow each person to have a turn being Simon. Then have familymembers discuss how following the leader in the game is like and unlike following God.
- Have each family member come up with one question they’d like to ask God about the reason for one of his rules or commands. Then have other family members tell how
they think God might answer that question.