Thursday, September 4, 2008

God Creates the World

Bible Point: God created the world.

Key Verse: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).

Bible Exploration: Genesis 1:1-23

To think about and discuss:
The Bible describes our creator God as having spoken matter into existence in a period of six days. Some Christians believe the days are literal 24-hour periods. Others believe that God measures time differently than we do (Psalm 90:4) and took longer to mold creation. Some believe creation may have begun with a God-ordained “big bang” that took many millenniums
to come to fruition.

Whatever position we take, we must be careful not to compromise at least three clear principles from the Bible:
1. God exists and “created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).
2. Without Jesus “nothing was made that has been made” (John 1:3).
3. Jesus sustains and supervises all that exists today (Colossians 1:17).

How does what you believe about God creating the world impact how you feel about yourself and others?

If God didn't create the world and the people in it, how would that change the way we live our lives?

Family Worship Challenge:

  • Go for a nature walk around your neighborhood. Ask each family member to pick up one example of God’s creation. When your family gets home, read Genesis 1 together.
    Then ask each person to show what he or she picked up and to identify what day of creation God called that sort of object into existence.

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