Wednesday, October 15, 2008

People Build a Tower at Babel

Bible Point: We all need God

Key Verse: "We obey God rather than man." Acts 5:29

Bible Exploration: Genesis 11:1-9

Just a few generations and only 150 to 200 years after the miraculous saving of Noah’s family
in the ark, the descendants of those ark-dwellers turned away from God. The people’s intent in building a tower was not to reach heaven, as some have suggested. They wanted to build something showy that would bring them recognition. People from all around would see the tall tower that seemed to reach into the heavens. Others would marvel at what they had done, and they would be proud. These people weren’t interested in serving God; rather they wanted to elevate their own standing before others. In essence, they tried to make themselves look
more important than God.
In the past century the human race has made dramatic technological advancements. Many people believe that as we share information and build upon what we have learned, our progresswill eventually allow the human race to solve all of its problems. The belief that the human race is self-sufficient isn’t new.

To think about and discuss:
1. Do you feel the advances we have made are positive and helpful to
mankind? Why or why not?
2. Are there areas where science and technology can go too far?
3. How do you think God feels about the advances we’ve made in the
last century?
4. If you were asked “Why do we need God?” what would your answer

Family Worship Challenge:
• Teach your family to speak pig Latin. (Begin each word with its first vowel, move the initial consonant to the end of the word, and follow with an “ay” sound. For example, “cat” becomes “atcay” and “dog” becomes “ogday.”) Have everyone come up with a few sentences in pig Latin while others try to decipher them. Then talk about the story in Genesis 11 and what it would be like to wake up one morning and speak a completely different language than
your friends and neighbors!

• Play the popular Jenga table game with your family. As each person removes a piece from the “tower,” ask them to state an area of their life where people might say they do not need God. For example, “I do not need God to give me air; the trees make it.” When the tower finally falls down, talk about how foolish it is to not give God his rightful place in our lives.

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