Thursday, August 28, 2008

5th Sabbath - Family Worship Week

The most powerful influence on children’s faith development is the conversations about faith that take place in the home. One of the ways that you can help develop your children’s faith and strengthen your family is by having family worship. It doesn’t have to be complicated, start by just singing, praying and reading a Bible story together.

This week at New Hope church, there's no traditional sabbath school. Instead, we'll be passing out family worship bags. Take the bags and find a place in the church or around campus to complete the activities with your family. Your kids are going to LOVE having worship with you and hopefully this will jumpstart your family worship at home too!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Esther Saves Her People

Bible Point: Everyone can serve God.

Key Verse: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10).

Bible Exploration: Esther 2-9

Many of the lessons this quarter focus on people in the Old Testament who were surrounded by unbelievers and somehow had to stand up for God. Esther was no exception. Esther became the queen, not because God was blessing her by giving her power, wealth, or prestige. God had a plan for her being in that important position. Esther was obedient in serving God where he had placed her, and God used her actions to preserve his people! Those who follow Jesus sometimes find themselves serving in unexpected places. He writes the scripts, casts the players and offers us opportunities to be a part of his master plan.

To think about and discuss:
  • How have the unique circumstances of your life positioned you to serve God?
  • According to Exodus 4:14, what will happen with God’s plan if we refuse to participate? What will happen to us?

Family Worship Challenge:

  • Do you know what good works God has created you for? What are your spiritual gifts? Spend some time this week asking friends how they’ve already seen God working in your life, and see whatcommon threads come up. You could even do a spiritualgifts
    inventory—This one oneline is pretty easy to use:

Friday, August 8, 2008

Nehemiah Rebuilds the Wall

Bible Point: God helps us face challenges

Key Verse:
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men” (Colossians 3:23).

Bible Exploration: Nehemiah 2:11-6:19

To think about and discuss:
1. Which character traits of Nehemiah helped him to face challenges so well?
2. Why did God help Nehemiah and the other Jews?
3. If you were suddenly placed in Nehemiah’s shoes, which truths about God would be important to remember?

Family Worship Challenge
  • Have family members brainstorm about challenging situations in which people need to pray and ask God for strength, wisdom, and protection. After brainstorming, have each person mention a difficult situation he or she is facing (or has recently faced), and talk
    about ways to plan ahead for the next challenge and what it means to rely on God.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nehemiah Seeks God's Forgiveness for Israel

Bible Point: When we turn to God, he restores us.

Key Verse:
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Bible Exploration: Nehemiah 1:1-29

To think about and discuss:
All of us have experienced the devastation that comes from sin. But God has good news for us. He offers us forgiveness and restoration. Today we’re going to explore the story of Nehemiah rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem after the exile. This story will help us discover that
when we turn to God, he restores us.
Do you need God to restore an area of your life? Nehemiah envisioned
the restoration of a damaged city, and he asked the king for permission to begin the work. Find a quiet place and pray this prayer: “God, I want to begin the work of rebuilding [describe the area that needs restoration]. Thank you for hearing my prayer and helping to restore what is broken between us.”

Family Worship Challenge:
  • After a family meal, try this simple activity to help children
    understand the meaning of the word repentance. Have
    everyone stand and face the same direction and begin
    walking. As they walk, have people call out sinful things
    they sometimes do, such as lie, pick on siblings, or disobey
    parents. After family members continue for a few steps,
    call “stop.” Have everyone turn around and face the other
    way. Explain that to repent means to turn around—to
    change direction from what is wrong and head in the right
    direction. Use this time to pray together and humbly ask
    God for forgiveness and the strength to walk in the right
    direction in family relationships and other areas of life.