Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Disciples Follow Jesus

Link: http://pbskids.org/zoom/activities/games/followtheleaderrelay.html
Link: http://www.primarygames.com/arcade/wonka/nrfollow/start.htm

Play the Follow-the-Leader game at the PBS Kids website. Then try your hand at the NERDS version of the game offered at the Primary Games website.

Discuss the following questions as a family:
• What character traits make a person a good leader?
• What character traits make someone a good follower?
• How do you think the disciples felt about following Jesus? Did they trust him? How do you know?
• Why should we follow Jesus today? Can we trust Jesus to be a good leader?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jesus Surprises Nathanial

Link: http://www.ask.com/
Link: http://www.ajkids.com/

Go to the Ask Jeeves website and allow each family member to enter a question, word, or phrase. Click “ask” and then wait to see if the all-knowing Jeeves will have an answer. Allow children to use the Ask Jeeves for Kids URL. Consider that while Jeeves may have expansive knowledge, he doesn’t know anything about you. Only an all-knowing God can look inside hearts. Let each family member offer suggestions for what God might find when he examines hearts.

To think about and discuss:
How does the fact that God knows you so well make you feel?

How does God’s knowledge of hearts make him the perfect one to take care of you?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

John Baptizes Jesus

Link: http://www.terragalleria.com/mountain/

Take a “virtual” hike via the photos at the terragalleria site. Pay particular attention to the equipment worn by the climbers for scaling those gorgeous, but extremely high, mountains.

Link: http://www.dropzone.com/photos/index.html

Imagine a family vacation learning to skydive! Picture yourself dressed in a suit like the ones you see in these photos. Better than that, picture yourself in the sky!

Discuss the following questions as a family:
• Why would it be important for the mountain climber to have faith in his equipment?
• In what would the skydiving instructor hope that his students placed their trust? Why?
• Why would God want us to trust and believe in Jesus? What does it mean to have faith in Jesus?Let each member say one sentence of a family prayer in which you thank God for giving us his Son.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Wise Men Find Jesus


At these links, you will find accounts of Sir Isaac Newton and Blaise Pascal’s lives. These men were famous scientists; in fact, they were considered the wisest of the wise. Both were Christians.

Think of other scientists that are familiar to you because of their discoveries and write them down. Use the following links to do a search on one or two of the scientists that you listed:
Use the information that you discovered in doing your on-line search to answer the following questions as a family:

• Did the scientists that were Christians find that science gave affirmation to God or did they feel science disproved the existence of God? Why?

• What do the lives of these prominent scientists make you think about the wisdom of humankind?Take a few moments to meditate on why the wise man ultimately finds Jesus. Then close with a family prayer in which you ask God to help you look for wisdom by always turning to Christ Jesus.