Monday, April 21, 2008

Paul Teaches in Athens

Bible Point: God is the Creator of heaven and earth

Key Verse: "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth”(Isaiah 40:28a).

Bible Exploration: Acts 17:16-31

In New Testament times, idols were prevalent in Athens. In the United States today, one might argue that consumerism and selfishness are the idols of our generation. When I think of this passage as a story in modern times, I can imagine Paul preaching at the mall or at Best Buy, asking people what they are worshiping?

If you were to tell people what the value is in worshiping God, over worshiping this world, what would you say about Him. Think about specific things you absolutely, without any doubt, believe about God. You may think of a few things or many. Then think about the sources of your ideas. Maybe your ideas about God came from friends,parents, books, or teachers. Maybe you grew up in a Christian home and simply believe what your parents taught you. Maybe you are struggling to discover God and aren’t sure what you believe. Maybe you know a great deal about God, yet don’t feel you really know God. Maybe you have many reasons to back up what you believe.
  • Family Challenge:
    For the next week, keep a journal of God-sightings—places
    you’ve seen God at work. Stop to thank God after each
    entry you make. At the end of the week, share what you’ve
    seen with someone else who doesn’t know God.

1 comment:

kumardixit said...

My immediate reaction is that I don't value anything more than worship. But when I make a list of things that I value, and compare it to the time and money I spend in comparison I realize my actions are not consistent. If we really came to church to worship God with full authenticity in our hearts, church wouldn't be like it is now.