Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jesus Demonstrates His Authority

Bible Point:  Jesus Can do Anything

Bible Exploration: Mark 1:21-28

Everybody wants power in this world.  As a family, make a list of the 5 most powerful people you can think of.  Your list could include the president, teachers, TV personalities, maybe even mom and dad!   The world's perspective on power is upside-down in relation to God's perspective.  According to God, the weak and humble are the most powerful, and those who surrender to God are used by him, backed with is power and authority. 
Now cut apart your list and put them in a new order, reflecting the authority they might have when backed by God's power. 

Why are these people not necessarily powerful in God's estimation?
How can weak and humble people be powerful? 

Memory Verse for February:  "Come to me, all of you who are tired and carrying heavy loads. I will give you rest."  Matthew 11:28

Use this link to connect to an American Sign Language Dictionary to help your kids learn the memory verse this month:  

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