Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jesus Heals, Prays, and Preaches

Bible Point: Jesus cares for us.

Bible Exploration: Mark 1:29-39

When someone does something to take care of you in a very significant way, it isn't easily forgotten. Think of a time when you've had when someone deeply cared for you and showed it through an action.

Jesus' entire life on earth was about caring for others. And he continues to care and love for us today. Let's consider how much Jesus does for us and let a new appreciation grow for how Jesus cherishes us and takes care of us.

Family Worship Challenge:
Play this "Who Is the Helper?" game with the children to remind them that there are people who help us every day, but Jesus is our greatest helper because he cares for us.

Provide pictures or write the names of people on cards that help us such as: "mother," "father," "policeman," "pastor," "fireman," "doctor," "Sunday school teacher," "grandparent," "neighbor," "Jesus," etc. Place the cards or pictures in a paper bag. Let the children come up one at a time and draw out a person. Then have them give clues about the helper while the other children try to guess the identity. You may have to assist with clues. Emphasize that Jesus gives us these people to help us everyday because he cares for us.

How does Jesus show us that he cares for us?
Who could you be a helper to?
How can we help others and show them that we care just like Jesus?

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